If you want scalable revenue growth, we're on it.
But if you want to polish your brand, you'll be happier somewhere else. Consider Redwell if you already have good help with your brand.
Redwell can best serve these companies:
You're most likely to be happy with Redwell if:
Redwell has worked with early-stage startups, but that's not our sweet spot. If you're in an early-stage company, we'll gladly refer you to firms that are likely to be a better fit.
You can get deliverables in a few weeks. If you want a website strategy or need training and coaching, plan on a month or longer.
It may take months to see measurable results. For example, it may take a month or longer to get higher conversions on your website. It may take six months or longer to get more traffic to your site. Depending on your traffic and conversion rates, it may take longer still to grow your sales pipeline. And if your sales cycles are long, it may take more than a year before you see a difference in revenue.
Be skeptical of anyone who says they can to it faster.
Redwell offers core services in six categories:
You can put Redwell on a single project. For some clients, Redwell has written copy once—sometimes to help meet a deadline. We've also helped rethink the strategy of websites before companies spend a small fortune with designers.
One-time projects offer a good way to get to know each other. And occasional project are fine with us.
If you prefer a longer-term relationship, as we do, you can have Redwell run an ongoing project or to supplement your marketing for months at a time. Some clients pay a flat fee per project. Others prefer to put us on retainer so we'll be available when they need us.
Longer-term relationships offer these benefits:
If you like, Redwell can build a consistent team of specialists well suited to the needs of your business.
Retainer relationships can be a good deal if you've got a lot of regular work than runs over several months.
You can budget your costs and manage your cash flow. You can know in advance that Redwell capacity is reserved for you.
When you schedule a predictable volume of work in advance, Redwell can save money for both parties.
If you need a local team on the ground, Redwell's a good fit if your company in the Atlanta metro area.
Most of our clients are out of state, and we travel when necessary. There's nothing like face-to-face visits to maintain close working relationships.
From day to day we use software, teleconferencing, Skype, Google Hangouts and other tools. They make communications and collaboration so efficient that we don't have to travel very often. You save.
Redwell is a lean, small company. We're not a "body shop." That's how we run lean.
If you need more help than we can provide with our current staff, talk to us about hooking you up through our network of respected colleagues and service providers.
If you want wining and dining, golf outings, theater tickets—the Mad Men experience—you'll be happier with a bigger company. But If you want a team that thoroughly understands sales and marketing for complex sales, you won't do better than Redwell.
If you have preferred service providers for some elements of your sales and marketing work, relax. Redwell partners well with other groups.
Redwell can also offer a full range of services through partners we'll bring to your table:
If we bring you a partner, we don't mark up their fees and pass the cost through our books. You can work directly with them to save money.
Some agencies say they don't want your business for less than $100,000 a year. Not Redwell.
For project work we quote flat fees. If our costs run higher than our initial estimate, we eat the difference. Our project fees start at about $250. Most are more than $750.
If you hire Redwell to work on retainer, you'll get specified services and deliverables for a flat monthly fee.
Retainer relationships start at $3,500 a month.
You can stop a retainer relationship at any time. Just give 60 or 90 days' notice, depending on the retainer amount.
Short-term projects can be like dating. They're a good way to get to know each other.
To learn more the kind of relationship that'll work best for your company, schedule a free 30-minute consultation.